The Administrative Process in Colorado

There are two ways to go after being arrested for a DUI. The Court Process and the Administrative Process. We are going to show you everything entailing the administrative process which is managed by the DMV in Colorado and plays a major role in determining certain consequences.

Vehicle Hearings:

In the DUI administrative process, also known as the Express Consent Hearing, the Moter Vehicle Hearings Division is tasked with deciding whether the State of Colorado will suspend an individual’s driver’s license. Every individual has the right to request a hearing regarding any action taken against their license by the DMV. The hearings themselves cover the revocation, suspension, denial, or cancellation of a driver’s license. The DMV may send out notices, law enforcement agencies may submit affidavits, or court conviction records as the basis for starting up these actions.

Upon refusal of a breathalyzer or blood test upon apprehension, the person is required to request a Motor Vehicle Hearing within seven days following the DUI arrest.

Regain the Right to Drive

To regain the right to drive, you have to become eligible for license reinstatement after checking all requirements within the given timeframe. The department will reinstate a driver’s license once all reinstatement prerequisites are met IF, there are no additional restrictions on the driving privilege. Certain circumstances that could impact reinstatement standards include a BAC chemical test result of 0.15, leading to the driver being classified as a Persistent Drunk Driver, refusal of the chemical test resulting in the same classification, and the use of an Ignition Interlock device.  

What is SR-22?

After reinstatement, certain suspensions and/or revocations may require you to fill out an SR-22 form. The insurance company must notify the DMV of any policy cancellations to comply with the set SR-22 requirement. It’s important to clarify that the SR-22 form isn’t a form of insurance policy. Failure to maintain SR-22 compliance may lead to the driver’s license getting suspended solely on that basis.

Insurance agents can provide the SR-22 form when obtaining liability insurance, and it must be filled with the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles to remain compliant.

Contact an Expert Now! 

Contact an expert to help speed your process and bring you home with the best possible outcome. The expert attorneys at Shipp Law will satisfy your needs, with just a call at (970) 927-2255, you can get in contact with our offices.