Below are Common DUI Questions our Clients Ask, Along with My Responses:
1. How can I contact you and when can I meet with you?
Daytime contact can be on one of following methods:
Office Telephone: 970-927-2255
Office Fax: 970-927-6633
Dan Shipp cell 970-379-3772
Clay Shipp Cell 970-309-9390 or
Contact us for your free consultation.
2. What effect does a DUI conviction have on my record?
In Colorado, a DUI conviction stays on your driving record indefinitely, during which time any additional DUI/DWAI convictions will increase the punishment. The charge itself will be on your record (rap sheet) for life. The DUI charge can have an adverse effect on your employment, especially if driving is a major part of your work duties. In addition, the DUI conviction will cause you to obtain SR-22 insurance (also known as high risk insurance) for three years. Only high risk insurance companies write SR-22 insurance. Should you drop the insurance, your driving license in Colorado will once again be suspended. Should you be charged with driving while your license is suspended in Colorado, the fine is $500; there is a ten-day to six-month jail term, and your license is suspended for an additional six months.
The DUI charge on your record could also cause you problems with your credit report and with rental car companies. These problems occur when DUIs appear on your record. You always have the opportunity to contest DUIs, to take the matter to court, and in almost every case DUIs should be fought to obtain an outright acquittal or a non-DUI disposition. These are some of the reasons that I fight for an acquittal in your case.
3. If I had a drunk driving (or impaired driving) conviction in another state, will it show up in Colorado?
Drunk driving convictions from other states can show up in Colorado in any number of ways. Computer systems run by law enforcement agencies connect most states. The purpose is sharing information from one state to another. Therefore, the court, the prosecutor, or the Highway Patrol can access these records. These previous convictions can be used to enhance or increase the punishment for a subsequent DUI arrest here in the state of Colorado if said convictions are within the last five (5) years of the date of the current charge in the state of Colorado. Sometimes these convictions do not show up, and our job as your attorney would be to fight any convictions that happen out of state.
4. I now have your questionnaire to prepare and I’m having a difficult time remembering each and every detail. Why is the questionnaire needed and what is its purpose?
The information that I request in your questionnaire is considered to be part of the attorney work product. That is to say, it is privileged information between you and me. The information is further requested so that I may understand the facts and circumstances in your case, which would give me the ability to question the officer at trial about certain aspects that we think are important in your defense. It also assists me in any sort of DUI litigation and with the government in any negotiations concerning your case.
5. How do you decide if my case should go to trial?
When we receive the questionnaire, we review it to determine which court of action would be the best for your case. I review every questionnaire personally. This enables me to compare your answers with information we receive from law enforcement reports. This comparison of answers and reports forms the basis of my preparation for trial in the Municipal or Justice courts. We also evaluate which court will decide your case. We also take into account how many alcohol-related or drug related offenses you may have had in your lifetime.
Lastly, we look to see if there are any extenuating circumstances that would require any special defense. Considering the information provided, I can make the best recommendation to you either at your free consultation, or as the ongoing court process unfolds.
6. How will a DUI arrest affect my out-of-state license?
Colorado cannot suspend an out-of-state license; only your home state can suspend your license. Colorado can only suspend your privilege to drive in this state. A refusal to submit to an officer’s request for a breath, blood, or urine test MAY result in a suspension in Colorado (if we are unsuccessful at the administrative hearing), but MAY or MAY NOT cause you to be suspended in your home state. The rules for handling a refusal report from Colorado vary in each state.
7. The officer took my license. When can I get it back?
Colorado law permits an officer to confiscate the license of any motorist who is arrested for DUI. Do not just apply for a new license because you can create even more problems for yourself. At your consultation, ask us about how and when you may seek to have your license returned, or possibly retrieved from the prosecutor so that you can have your plastic license prior to trial.
8. Do I need a lawyer?
Every person can represent himself or herself in court. Because DUI is such a critical matter, however, it is not generally a wise choice to go to court unrepresented. Your right to drive, your freedom and your future employment options may hang in the balance. The choice is yours. We advise taking advantage of our consultation to see whether you want to hire an attorney.
9. What is the “7 day” rule applicable to administrative license suspension matters?
In Colorado, if you either refused to submit to a breath, blood, or urine test, the state will attempt to suspend your license or privilege to drive for one year. This attempt to take away your right to drive will occur PRIOR to any criminal trial for DUI (in most cases) and will be automatically entered against you unless you file a request for hearing within 7 calendar days after receipt of a notice of revocation. Filing does not postpone the suspension.
In a significant percentage of cases, we are able to prevent any suspension. The license you receive when there has been a refusal to take a state administered test is valid for only sixty-five (60) days from the date of the arrest. This license cannot be renewed or extended for any period of time. The test refusal hearing is an informal hearing. There will not be a jury. This is an additional proceeding that we handle for you. The decision will be announced at the administrative hearing to agree with the State to suspend your license or to return it to you.
The hearing is needed to determine if you will be able to retain your driving privileges until the end of your DUI case or if you will lose the right to drive in Colorado prior to your trial. In additional, this hearing offers us a great opportunity to cross examine the officer under oath about the facts of your case.
10. Why should I hire you as my attorney?
I have the best staffed office in Colorado, which limits its cases to defense of DUI charges. I am trained and certified in breath testing drivers field sobriety exercises. In addition, I am certified in advanced training courses on police arrest procedures and on criminal trial practice. I have been board certified by the National College of DUI Defense. In addition, I am a member of a national network of other DUI practitioners who exchange and share information about new DUI laws, national and local trends in the law, and trial tactics. In short, I strive to give my clients the best representation possible.
11. Why am I receiving mail from attorneys seeking to represent me?
The United States Supreme Court has ruled that “commercial free speech” is protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Hence, some attorneys choose to hire companies to go to each police station and look up the names and addresses of everyone arrested in a given period. Then a mass mailing is sent, hoping to “attract” potential clients. Many of our clients come to this office with a number of letters, including my own. Some of the letters focus on pleading guilty, a resolution which I rarely consider until all other viable options are explored.
12. If I am convicted, what is the worst thing that can happen to me?
The “minimum” punishment information is published elsewhere in this Web site. You should read this carefully, paying special attention to increased punishment requirements if you have prior offenses. Beyond these “guidelines,” we have to evaluate your case based upon the facts, the prosecutor, your record, and propensity of the judge in his/her sentencing for DUI cases. We will review these details at your consultation.
13. Will I get a harsher sentence if I fight the case than if I plead guilty?
That depends on many factors. This question is one that is case-specific and judge-specific. Some judges may punish a person more after a jury trial than in a bench trial (a trial in front of the judge only). Judges in Colorado have the discretion to allow a jury or a bench trial. Your case may have a fantastic legal issue that needs to be appealed to a higher court. This may require some sort of trial to be able to obtain the right of appeal. Be sure to discuss any concerns you may have about these issues at your free consultation.
14. Do I need to see an alcohol (or drug) counselor?
Maybe. I always encourage anyone facing alcohol related or drug-related offenses to get an ASSESSMENT for any potential problem that may exist. If this offense is not your first alcohol-related offense, our consultation with you will likely result in a recommendation that a private assessment be conducted. There are many reasons that this is a wise thing to do, not the least of which is correcting a costly and potentially dangerous health problem. We will discuss how this assessment (and treatment, if recommended by your counselor) can be a “silver lining” for even a very bad case. We have lists of counselors if you need names and phone numbers.
15. Beyond legal fees, what other costs or expenses will I have in this case if I fight it?
Court fines and fees will be charged to you by the court at sentencing. I use court reporters to prepare transcripts of City and Justice Court trials for use in later hearings. This cost is usually in the Two Hundred Dollar ($200) range. There is also a cost for an appeal bond from lower courts to higher courts for additional trials. Expert witnesses expenses will be incurred when the case requires their testimony. These additional costs will be explained to you at your consultation.
16. Do we have any control over which judge or prosecutor I get for my case?
As a general rule, no. Computer assignments or rotation of judges makes most court assignments for each case random.
17. Does the fact that Mr. Shipp is so well known hurt my chances to get a favorable disposition without trial?
Not that we can tell, based upon our results and the results that we see other attorneys obtain. We have the reputation of being fully prepared and ready to fight when we come to court. We want every prosecutor, judge, and police officer to know that. We don’t “attack” police officers unless there is a good cause to do so, yet we thoroughly cross-examine them about every important aspect of an arrest. Many times, the very fact that the prosecutor knows we are there in court to fight helps us get “deals” that some other attorneys might not be offered. We want the prosecutors, police officers, and the courts to know that we are “ready,” and will represent our client to the fullest extent permitted by law.
In conclusion, we can answer all your additional questions beyond our client’s Common DUI Questions Call Shipp Law for a free consultation. We will be here to discuss your case. Dan Shipp and Clay Shipp are a strong DUI defense team. 970-927-2255
American Bar Association Membership